Domus de Maçanós now collaborates with Ayurveda Immersion to offer a wellness and healthy space.


It is possible to choose among different options:

· SHIRODHARA: This is the most popular and relaxing treatment in Ayurveda. It is consisted on medicated oil poured continuously in a thin stream on the forehead between the eyebrows. Shirodhara is a simple, but profound, treatment that works specifically on balancing and stabilizing mental activity.

 · ABHYANGA : Oleation and massage of the whole body in order to tone, stimulate circulation, nourish and soften the skin and promote longevity.

 · REVITALIZING CIRCUIT: Sequence of three types of treatments: oleation, steam, and herbal bath. A perfect synergy to clean, purify and revitalize the whole body.

 · MUKHA ABHYANGA and FACIAL TREATMENTS: Traditional Indian massage that is designed to relax and strengthen the muscles of the face, as well as to nourish the skin of the face in a profound way. Different types of natural masks will be available.


Classes de Hatha Ioga completes amb exercicis de respiració, meditació i cant de mantres amb música en directe per a totes les edats i nivells.


Know the benefits of Ayurveda nutrition, learn new recipes, tricks and best kept secrets for your balance and well-being. Of course, the tasting as well!


For more information and reservations, contact us at:

Sant Jaume de Frontanya